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329 lines
.PO 2
.mt 4
.HM 2
.MB 4
.FM 2
.FO by Morrison, & Cole, c/o STAR-NET at (305) 639-0715 by modem
.HE * * * H A L L E Y F A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 8 5 * * *
Halley'≤á [rhyme≤á witΦ "valleys"▌ Come⌠ i≤ composeΣá oµá ßá small¼á brigh⌠ ì
nucleu≤á (probabl∙ 1-│ kφ across)¼á surroundeΣ b∙ ß mucΦ large≥ fuzz∙ head¼ ì
o≥ "comaó (Latiε fo≥ "hair")¼á 1░ 00░ t∩ ▒ 00░ 00░ kφ across¼ anΣ ß fainte≥ ì
ga≤ (mainl∙ carboε monoxidσ anΣ nitrogen⌐ anΣ dus⌠ tai∞ streaminτ awa∙ froφ ì
thσ head«á Onl∙ thσ nucleus¼á composeΣ oµ ice¼ dust¼ anΣ stone≤ mixeΣ witΦ ì
frozeεá gases¼á i≤á solid«á Thσ tota∞ mas≤ oµ thσ come⌠á i≤á approximatel∙ ì
65,000,00░ metriπ tons.
Thi≤á montΦá thσ come⌠ continue≤ movinτ wes⌠ anΣ south¼á dippinτ belo≈á thσ ì
Grea⌠á Squarσá oµá Pegasus¼á througΦ thσá Circle⌠á oµá Pisces¼á anΣá towarΣ ì
Aquarius« I⌠ wil∞ brighteε rapidly¼ froφ 6.┤ a⌠ thσ beginninτ oµ thσ montΦ ì
t∩á 5.╣á a⌠ thσ end«á Thσ come⌠ wil∞ transi⌠ thσ north-soutΦá meridiaεá a⌠ ì
abou⌠á 18:0░á anΣá bσ abou⌠ 5░ degree≤ abovσ thσ southerεá horizoεá (a⌠á 4░ ì
degree≤á nortΦ latitude)«á Notσ tha⌠ thi≤ positioε anΣ timσ meaε tha⌠á thσ ì
come⌠á i≤á movinτá int∩á thσ sunse⌠ regioε oµá thσá sky¼á anΣá wil∞á becomσ ì
progressivel∙ washeΣ ou⌠ b∙ thσ sunligh⌠ unti∞ it≤ re-appearancσ iε Spring.
Right Ascension: 03 hours 49.02 minutes
Declination: 23 degress 17.652 minutes (near Gamma Piscium)
Distance: 122 982 530 km from Earth
Magnitude: 6.2
Velocity: 32.31 km/s
Durinτ thi≤ month'≤ moon-freσ "windowó (1s⌠ t∩ 15th)¼á thσ come⌠ shoulΣá bσ ì
brigh⌠ enougΦ t∩ spo⌠ easil∙ iε binocular≤ anΣ finderscopes« I⌠ i≤ severa∞ ì
arπá minute≤ across¼á witΦ ß condenseΣ nucleu≤ anΣ ß smal∞ tail¼á whicΦá i≤ ì
generall∙áá orienteΣá awa∙á froφá EartΦá (hiddeεá mostl∙á - unti∞á Spring)« ì
Binocular≤á (7x35¼á 7x50¼á o≥ 10x50⌐ wil∞ bσ perfec⌠ fo≥ aεá overal∞á view« ì
They'rσ portable¼ light¼ relativel∙ inexpensive¼ anΣ offe≥ gooΣ ligh⌠ gras≡ ì
anΣ easσ iε locatinτ fain⌠ celestia∞ object≤ likσ Halley'≤ Comet« AlthougΦ ì
telescope≤á ma∙ revea∞ subtlσ detail≤ iε thσ head¼á the∙ aren'⌠á wide-anglσ ì
instruments« Binocular≤ wil∞ bσ requireΣ t∩ encompas≤ thσ comet'≤ tail.
Thσá simples⌠á wa∙ t∩ photograpΦ thσ come⌠ i≤ t∩ usσ ß tripoΣ anΣ ßá 3╡á mφ ì
camerßá witΦá ßá cablσ release«á Aiφ thσ camerß anΣá focu≤á thσá len≤á fo≥ ì
infinity« ┴ 30-seconΣ exposurσ wil∞ recorΣ brigh⌠ star≤ anΣ sho≈ thσ come⌠ ì
a≤ ß non-stella≥ bal∞ witΦ ß fuzz∙ tail« Exposure≤ oµ morσ thaε 60-second≤ ì
wil∞á recorΣ dimme≥ stars¼á bu⌠ sho≈ traileΣ image≤ oµ star≤ anΣ thσ comet« ì
Choosσ ß 2╕ t∩ 5░ mφ len≤ (fo≥ adequatσ sk∙ coverage⌐ witΦ ß foca∞ rati∩ oµ ì
f/┤ o≥ faste≥ (fo≥ ß brighte≥ image)«á Trackinτ b∙ mountinτ ß camerßá witΦ ì
norma∞á o≥ 135mφ len≤ "piggybackó ato≡ ß motor-driveε telescopσ i≤ thσ onl∙ ì
wa∙á t∩ managσ longe≥ exposures«á Fo≥ bes⌠ results¼á usσ FUJICHROM┼á colo≥ ì
slidσá filφá witΦ markeΣ IS╧ (ASA⌐ valuσ oµ 400«á Ektachromσ i≤ ßá seconΣ ì
choice¼á duσ t∩ rea∞ speeΣ fallinτ ofµ iε timσ exposure≤ likσ these║ markeΣ ì
value≤ oµ speeΣ arσ N╧ indicato≥ pas⌠ 6░ second exposures!!
Durinτá Januar∙á thσ come⌠ move≤ int∩ thσ barreε sta≥á fielΣá oµá Aquarius¼ ì
whicΦá rapidl∙á sink≤ int∩ eveninτ twiligh⌠ durinτ thσá month«á I⌠á shoulΣ ì
ente≥á diφá naked-eyσ visibilit∙ (5tΦ magnitude⌐ anΣ bσ visiblσá relativel∙ ì
easil∙ iε binocular≤ o≥ ß finde≥ telescope« Thσ moon-freσ observinτ windo≈ ì
wil∞ be the 1st to the 15th.
.paè.PO 4
.MT 8
.HM 4
.MB 8
.FM 4
.FO Courtesy of STAR-NET at (305) 639-0715 by modem
Comparinτá thi≤ curren⌠ inf∩ t∩ thσ table≤ tha⌠ follo≈ fo≥ Apri∞ show≤ tha⌠ ì
brightnes≤ (lo≈ valuσ oµ "magntude"⌐ i≤ par⌠ oµ thσ rationalσ fo≥ thσá bes⌠ ì
expectation≤ fo≥ seeinτ t∩ occu≥ iε thσ Spring« ┴ differencσ oµ 1.░ iε maτ ì
i≤ ß brightnes≤ rati∩ oµ 2.5¼á o≥ morσ thaε onσ camerß ╞ stop« Onl∙ ß morσ ì
detaileΣá examinatioεá oµ thσ coordinatσ datß wil∞ sho≈ thosσ no⌠á familia≥ ì
witΦá celestia∞ chart≤ tha⌠ thσ come⌠ i≤ gettinτ to∩ closσ t∩ thσá suεá no≈ ì
(contras⌠ die≤ duσ t∩ sun'≤ glare)¼á anΣ wil∞ bσ to∩ lo≈ oε thσ horizoε fo≥ ì
viewinτ froφ point≤ iε thσ US┴ wheε i⌠ re-appear≤ iε Spring« Iε Apri∞ froφ ì
thσá Floridßá Keys¼á thσá come⌠ wil∞ bσ withiε abou⌠ 3░ degree≤á abovσá thσ ì
horizon¼ whicΦ i≤ thσ regioε wherσ atmospheric≤ severel∙ limi⌠ contras⌠ anΣ ì
definitioεá oµá celestia∞á objects«á Seσ thσá filσá "HALLEY.TXTóá fo≥á ou≥ ì
solutioεá t∩á thσ observinτ problems¼á anΣ ß pleasurablσ escapσá tri≡á tha⌠ ì
include≤ pokinτ arounΣ Mayaε ruin≤ anΣ islanΣ beaches....
11/20/85 -82 03:03 20:23 1.64 0.66 6.4
11/21/85 -81 02:52 19:57 1.63 0.65 6.4
11/22/85 -80 02:40 19:28 1.61 0.64 6.3
11/23/85 -79 02:29 18:56 1.60 0.63 6.2
11/24/85 -78 02:18 18:21 1.58 0.63 6.2
11/25/85 -77 02:06 17:42 1.57 0.62 6.1
11/26/85 -76 01:55 17:01 1.55 0.62 6
11/27/85 -75 01:44 16:18 1.54 0.62 6
11/28/85 -74 01:32 15:33 1.52 0.62 5.9
11/29/85 -73 01:21 14:46 1.51 0.63 5.9
11/30/85 -72 01:11 13:58 1.49 0.63 5.9
12/ 1/85 -71 01:00 13:09 1.48 0.64 5.9
12/ 2/85 -70 00:50 12:20 1.46 0.64 5.8
12/ 3/85 -69 00:41 11:32 1.45 0.65 5.8
12/ 4/85 -68 00:31 10:43 1.43 0.66 5.8
12/ 5/85 -67 00:22 09:56 1.42 0.67 5.8
12/ 6/85 -66 00:14 09:10 1.40 0.69 5.8
12/ 7/85 -65 00:06 08:25 1.39 0.70 5.8
12/ 8/85 -64 23:58 07:42 1.37 0.71 5.7
12/ 9/85 -63 23:51 06:00 1.36 0.73 5.7
12/10/85 -62 23:44 06:20 1.34 0.74 5.7
12/11/85 -61 23:37 05:41 1.33 0.76 5.7
12/12/85 -60 23:31 05:04 1.31 0.78 5.7
12/13/85 -59 23:25 04:29 1.30 0.79 5.7
12/14/85 -58 23:20 03:56 1.28 0.81 5.7
12/15/85 -57 23:14 03:24 1.27 0.83 5.7
12/16/85 -56 23:09 02:54 1.25 0.85 5.7
12/17/85 -55 23:05 02:25 1.23 0.87 5.7
12/18/85 -54 23:00 01:58 1.22 0.89 5.6
12/19/85 -53 22:56 01:32 1.20 0.91 5.6
12/20/85 -52 22:52 01:07 1.19 0.93 5.6
12/21/85 -51 22:48 00:43 1.17 0.95 5.6
12/22/85 -50 22:45 00:22 1.16 0.97 5.6
12/23/85 -49 22:41 00:01 1.14 0.99 5.6
12/24/85 -48 22:38 -00:20 1.13 1.01 5.5
12/25/85 -47 22:34 -00:39 1.11 1.03 5.5
12/26/85 -46 22:31 -00:58 1.10 1.05 5.5
12/27/85 -45 22:28 -01:16 1.08 1.07 5.5
12/28/85 -44 22:25 -01:33 1.06 1.09 5.4
12/29/85 -43 22:23 -01:49 1.05 1.11 5.4
12/30/85 -42 22:20 -02:05 1.03 1.14 5.4
12/31/85 -41 22:18 -02:20 1.02 1.16 5.4
1/ 1/86 -40 22:15 -02:35 1.00 1.18 5.3
1/ 2/86 -39 22:13 -02:49 0.99 1.20 5.3
1/ 3/86 -38 22:11 -03:02 0.97 1.22 5.2
1/ 4/86 -37 22:08 -03:15 0.96 1.24 5.2
1/ 5/86 -36 22:06 -03:28 0.94 1.26 5.2
1/ 6/86 -35 22:04 -03:41 0.93 1.28 5.1
1/ 7/86 -34 22:02 -03:53 0.91 1.29 5.1
1/ 8/86 -33 22:00 -04:04 0.90 1.31 5
1/ 9/86 -32 21:58 -04:16 0.88 1.33 5
1/10/86 -31 21:56 -04:27 0.87 1.35 4.9
1/11/86 -30 21:54 -04:39 0.85 1.37 4.9
1/12/86 -29 21:53 -04:50 0.84 1.39 4.8
1/13/86 -28 21:51 -05:01 0.83 1.41 4.8
1/14/86 -27 21:49 -05:11 0.81 1.42 4.7
1/15/86 -26 21:47 -05:22 0.80 1.44 4.6
1/16/86 -25 21:45 -05:33 0.78 1.46 4.6
1/17/86 -24 21:44 -05:42 0.77 1.47 4.5
1/18/86 -23 21:42 -05:53 0.76 1.49 4.5
1/19/86 -22 21:40 -06:04 0.74 1.50 4.4
1/20/86 -21 21:38 -06:15 0.73 1.52 4.4
Note║ thσ coordinate≤ R┴ ª DE├ arσ celestia∞ coordinate≤ tha⌠ designatσ thσ ì
positioεá iε thσ sk∙ relativσ t∩ thσ sta≥ field¼á no⌠ you≥ positioε oεá thσ ì
earth«á Usσá theφá b∙ comparisoε t∩ thσ coordinate≤ oµ somethinτá yo⌡á caε ì
recognize«á Thσ chart≤ iε Sk∙ ª Telescopσ magazinσ arσ exellen⌠ reference≤ ì
t∩á aiΣá iε locatinτ thing≤ (Sk∙ ª Tel'≤ $1╕ i≤ includeΣ iεá $2░á due≤á fo≥ ì
membershi≡á iεá thσá Centra∞ F╠ Astronomica∞ Society¼á Inc«á - iµá yo⌡á arσ ì
interested║ contac⌠ CFA╙ o≥ Star-Ne⌠ b∙ sendinτ ß notσ t∩ Chucδ Cole).
.FO Courtesy of STAR-NET at (305) 639-0715 by modem
Comparinτá thi≤ inf∩ t∩ thσ table≤ abovσ fo≥ Decembe≥ o≥ Januar∙ show≤ tha⌠ ì
brightnes≤ (lo≈ valuσ oµ "magntude"⌐ i≤ par⌠ oµ thσ rationalσ fo≥ thσá bes⌠ ì
expectation≤á fo≥ seeinτ t∩ occu≥ iε thσ Sprinτ anΣ furthe≥ SoutΦ thaεá thσ ì
Floridß Keys«á ┴ differencσ oµ 1.░ iε maτ i≤ ß brightnes≤ rati∩ oµ 2.5¼ o≥ ì
morσá thaεá onσ camerß ╞ stop«á Onl∙ ß morσ detaileΣá examinatioεá oµá thσ ì
coordinatσ datß wil∞ sho≈ thosσ no⌠ familia≥ witΦ celestia∞ chart≤ tha⌠ thσ ì
come⌠á wil∞ bσ to∩ lo≈ oε thσ horizoε fo≥ decen⌠ viewinτ froφ point≤ iε thσ ì
US┴á wheε i⌠ re-appear≤ iε Spring«á Iε Apri∞ froφ thσá Floridßá Keys¼á thσ ì
come⌠á wil∞á bσá withiε abou⌠ 3░ degree≤ abovσ thσ horizon¼á whicΦá i≤á thσ ì
regioεá wherσá atmospheric≤á severel∙á limi⌠á contras⌠á anΣá definitioεá oµ ì
celestia∞á objects«á Seσá thσ filσ "HALLEY.TXTó fo≥ ou≥á solutioεá t∩á thσ ì
observinτá problems¼á anΣá ß pleasurablσ escapσ tri≡ tha⌠á include≤á pokinτ ì
arounΣ Mayaε ruin≤ anΣ islanΣ beaches....
3/ 1/86 19 20:27 -16:21 0.73 1.26 3.5
3/ 2/86 20 20:25 -16:43 0.74 1.24 3.5
3/ 3/86 21 20:23 -17:06 0.75 1.21 3.5
3/ 4/86 22 20:22 -17:29 0.77 1.19 3.5
3/ 5/86 23 20:20 -17:51 0.78 1.17 3.6
3/ 6/86 24 20:18 -18:15 0.79 1.14 3.5
3/ 7/86 25 20:16 -18:41 0.81 1.12 3.6
3/ 8/86 26 20:14 -19:07 0.82 1.10 3.6
3/ 9/86 27 20:12 -19:34 0.83 1.07 3.6
3/10/86 28 20:10 -20:02 0.85 1.05 3.6
3/11/86 29 20:08 -20:32 0.86 1.02 3.6
3/12/86 30 20:06 -21:02 0.88 1.00 3.6
3/13/86 31 20:03 -21:34 0.89 0.97 3.6
3/14/86 32 20:01 -22:08 0.91 0.95 3.6
3/15/86 33 19:58 -22:43 0.92 0.92 3.6
3/16/86 34 19:55 -23:20 0.94 0.90 3.6
3/17/86 35 19:52 -23:59 0.95 0.87 3.6
3/18/86 36 19:49 -24:40 0.97 0.85 3.6
3/19/86 37 19:46 -25:23 0.98 0.82 3.6
3/20/86 38 19:42 -26:09 1.00 0.79 3.5
3/21/86 39 19:38 -26:57 1.01 0.77 3.5
3/22/86 40 19:34 -27:48 1.03 0.74 3.5
3/23/86 41 19:29 -28:42 1.04 0.72 3.5
3/24/86 42 19:24 -29:40 1.06 0.69 3.4
3/25/86 43 19:18 -30:41 1.07 0.67 3.4
3/26/86 44 19:12 -31:46 1.09 0.64 3.4
3/27/86 45 19:05 -32:54 1.11 0.62 3.4
3/28/86 46 18:58 -34:06 1.12 0.59 3.3
3/29/86 47 18:49 -35:22 1.14 0.57 3.3
3/30/86 48 18:39 -36:42 1.15 0.54 3.2
3/31/86 49 18:29 -37:00 1.17 0.52 3.1
4/ 1/86 50 18:17 -39:24 1.18 0.50 3.1
4/ 2/86 51 18:04 -40:49 1.20 0.48 3.1
4/ 3/86 52 17:48 -42:13 1.21 0.46 3
4/ 4/86 53 17:31 -43:35 1.23 0.44 3
4/ 5/86 54 17:12 -44:50 1.24 0.42 2.9
4/ 6/86 55 16:50 -45:56 1.26 0.41 2.9
4/ 7/86 56 16:27 -46:47 1.28 0.39 2.8
4/ 8/86 57 16:02 -47:21 1.29 0.38 2.8
4/ 9/86 58 15:36 -47:33 1.31 0.37 2.8
4/10/86 59 15:09 -47:22 1.32 0.37 2.8
4/11/86 60 14:42 -46:46 1.34 0.36 2.8
4/12/86 61 14:16 -45:48 1.35 0.36 2.8
4/13/86 62 13:52 -44:29 1.37 0.37 2.9
4/14/86 63 13:30 -42:55 1.38 0.37 3
4/15/86 64 13:10 -41:10 1.40 0.38 3.1
4/16/86 65 12:51 -39:18 1.41 0.40 3.2
4/17/86 66 12:35 -37:23 1.43 0.41 3.3
4/18/86 67 12:21 -35:28 1.44 0.43 3.5
4/19/86 68 12:08 -33:35 1.46 0.45 3.6
4/20/86 69 11:57 -31:46 1.47 0.47 3.7
4/21/86 70 11:48 -30:03 1.49 0.49 3.8
4/22/86 71 11:39 -28:24 1.50 0.51 4
4/23/86 72 11:31 -26:52 1.52 0.54 4.1
4/24/86 73 11:24 -25:25 1.53 0.56 4.2
4/25/86 74 11:18 -24:05 1.55 0.59 4.4
4/26/86 75 11:13 -22:49 1.56 0.62 4.5
4/27/86 76 11:08 -21:39 1.58 0.65 4.6
4/28/86 77 11:03 -20:34 1.59 0.68 4.8
4/29/86 78 10:59 -19:33 1.61 0.71 4.9
4/30/86 79 10:56 -18:37 1.62 0.74 5
5/ 1/86 80 10:53 -17:44 1.64 0.77 5.1
Note║ thσ coordinate≤ R┴ ª DE├ arσ celestia∞ coordinate≤ tha⌠ designatσ thσ ì
positioεá iε thσ sk∙ relativσ t∩ thσ sta≥ field¼á no⌠ you≥ positioε oεá thσ ì
earth«á Usσá theφá b∙ comparisoε t∩ thσ coordinate≤ oµ somethinτá yo⌡á caε ì
recognize«á Thσ chart≤ iε Sk∙ ª Telescopσ magazinσ arσ exellen⌠ reference≤ ì
t∩á aiΣá iε locatinτ thing≤ (Sk∙ ª Tel'≤ $1╕ i≤ includeΣ iεá $2░á due≤á fo≥ ì
membershi≡á iεá thσá Centra∞ F╠ Astronomica∞ Society¼á Inc«á - iµá yo⌡á arσ ì
interested║ contac⌠ CFA╙ o≥ Star-Ne⌠ b∙ sendinτ ß notσ t∩ Chucδ Cole).
.PAè.PO 2
.MT 6
.HM 3
.MB 4
.FM 2
.FO Courtesy of Greg Walz-Chojnacki c/o STAR-NET @ (305) 639-0715 by modem
Herσ i≤ thσ lates⌠ informatioε oε Come⌠ Hartle∙ GooΣ froφ thσá Centra∞ ì
Burea⌡á fo≥ Astronomica∞ Telegrams«á Note¼á b∙ thσ way¼á tha⌠ thi≤ come⌠ i≤ ì
morσá spectacula≥ thaε Halley'≤ througΦ earl∙ January¼á duσ t∩ placemen⌠ iε ì
thσá sky«á Thσá designatioε oµ Come⌠ Hartley-GooΣá i≤á 1985l«á An∙á futurσ ì
upload≤á t∩ STAR-NE╘ oε thi≤ come⌠ wil∞ bσ nameΣ 1985l.DC° (wherσ ° i≤á thσ ì
version¼ startinτ witΦ 3⌐ t∩ reflec⌠ ß nomenclaturσ correction.
Thσ come⌠ i≤ movinτ swiftl∙ wes⌠ towarΣ thσ Sun«á Whilσ thσ come⌠á i≤ ì
expecteΣá t∩á attaiεá reacΦá ß tota∞ maginitudσ oµá 6.6¼á wheεá i⌠á reache≤ ì
perihelioεá iε Ophiuchu≤ i⌠ wil∞ bσ to∩ closσ t∩ thσ Suε t∩ bσá seeεá well« ì
Nevertheless¼á i⌠ shoulΣ bσ wortΦ viewinτ witΦ eveε modes⌠ telescopes«á I⌠ ì
wil∞á als∩á makσ ß reasonablσ photographiπ subject«á Looδ fo≥á i⌠á througΦ ì
earl∙ Decembe≥ iε thσ progressivel∙ earlie≥ eveninτ sky«
Belo≈á arσá thσ improveΣ paraboliπ orbita∞ elements¼á followeΣ b∙á thσ ì
ephemeris«á ╔ woulΣ appreciatσ observersº report≤ oε thi≤á object«á Pleasσ ì
includσá sucΦ circumstance≤ a≤ time¼á date¼á altitudσ oµ comet¼á instrumen⌠ ì
(aperturσ anΣ magnification)¼ etc« Thanks.
T = 1985 Dec 9.092 w = 87.040 degrees (arg. of peri.)
W = 357.702 " (long. of asc. node)
q= .69435 i = 79.897
Ephemeris for Comet Hartley-Good (epoch 1950)
DATE | r.a | dec. | Delta | R | t. mag.
mm/dd |(hh mm.mm)| ( dd mm.m )| (AU) | (AU)
9/22 | 00 14.21 | -27.54.7 | 0.644 | 1.602 | 9.1
9/27 | 23 33.81 | -26 55.1 | | |
10/2 | 22 46.43 | -24 30.5 | 0.529 | 1.457 | 8.3
10/7 | 21 56.19 | -20.29.2 | | |
10/12 | 21 08.60 | -15 16.4 | 0.511 | 1.311 | 7.7
10/17 | 20 27.53 | -09 42.9 | | |
10/22 | 19 54.03 | -04 31.6 | 0.581 | 1.166 | 7.5
10/27 | 19 27.18 | -00 01.8 | | |
11/01 | 19 05.47 | 03 44.6 | 0.699 | 1.026 | 7.3
11/06 | 18 47.43 | 06 52.6 | | |
11/11 | 18 31.84 | 09 28.0 | 0.828 | 0.896 | 7.1
11/16 | 18 17.79 | 11 35.0 | | |
11/21 | 18 04.56 | 13 15.8 | 0.948 | 0.787 | 6.8
11/26 | 17 51.69 | 14 30.1 | | |
12/01 | 17 38.95 | 15 16.8 | 1.044 | 0.714 | 6.6
12/06 | 17 26.31 | 15 34.2 | | |
12/11 | 17 13.93 | 15 21.9 | 1.106 | 0.695 | 6.6
12/16 | 17 02.01 | 14 41.4 | | |
12/21 | 16 50.70 | 13 35.7 | 1.127 | 0.736 | 6.9
12/26 | 16 40.06 | 12 09.1 | | |
12/31 | 16 29.98 | 10 25.6 | 1.109 | 0.825 | 7.4
01/05 | 16 20.25 | 08 28.7 | | |
01/10 | 16 10.57 | 06 20.7 | 1.061 | 0.944 | 7.9
01/15 | 16 00.56 | 04 03.0 | | |
01/20 | 15 49.79 | 01 35.8 | 0.991 | 1.078 | 8.3
01/25 | 15 37.82 | -01 01.0 | | |
01/30 | 15 24.17 | -03 47.8 | 0.913 | 1.221 | 8.7
.pa è